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A  French Aubusson rug

Circa 1870

6ft x 4ft 7in  : 183cm x 140cm
When Aubusson started to make carpets in 1743, the first production was in the oriental style, tapis turc or persane. With the demand at the Savonnerie factory exceeding supply new designs were sent to Aubusson in the French style. Louis XV sent Pierre-Josse Perrot (active 1724-1750), the designer of the Savonnerie carpets supplied to the Great Hall of the Louvre, together with three carpets in the French style, to give new designs. Many commissions followed and carpets were supplied to: the Chateau de Versailles, Chateau de Choisy and Madame de Pompadour.

The present rug is a rare survivor as few small rugs were made, mostly large pieces were produced, mainly on commissions. The design most probably came form a larger carpet but here reduced down creating a miniature version.
Price : £ 8,500
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