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Panthere Noire Marchant

A hanging/rug, after a design by Paul Jouve. Tabriz, Persia, contemporary.

5ft 7in x 3ft 2in  :  170cm x 93cm
Paul Jouve (1880-1973) supplied the illustrations for Rudyard Kipling’s The Jungle Book of 1919. The present hanging/rug depicts the black panther Bagheera from the book.
In the  exhibition  Dunand-Goulden-Jouve-Schmied at the Galleries George Petit, Paris, in 1921,, the original tapestry, a unique piece and now also in our collection. (exh cat no 36) was exhibited together with another (no 35) though larger.

ReferenceFelix Marcilhac, Paul Jouve, Peinture, Sculpteur, Animalier, Les editions de l’amateur, 2005, illustrated page 114.
Price : £ P.O.A.
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