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Three Untitled Hangings

Commissioned from Ann Sutton MBE (b1935) for the entrance of the headquarters of the Mercantile & General Reinsurance Company, Moorgate, London, by the firm of architects Denys Lasdun and Partners in 1980.

10ft 4in x 6ft 6in : 315cm x 200cm
After being awarded her Diploma in Embroidery and Woven Textile Design at Cardiff College of Art in 1956, Ann Sutton took up a teaching position at West Sussex College of Art in Worthing and became the head of the Textile Department. She left in 1963 and took a part-time position at Croydon College of Art as a lecturer where she revived a defunct weave studio and had paintings overseen by Richard AlIen and Bridget Riley who were also there. This combination allowed her to have the freedom to try new ideas.

Later in the 1960s she participated at the Barry Summer School's Constructivist Course and also in the Basic Design Course run by Harry Thubron (1915-86), (influential art teacher of the 20th century) and his team, including the artist Terry Frost. These two courses led her to investigate the nature of textile cloth, theorise on colour and space resulting in varied ideas and free thinking works of art, knitted chandeliers an example. Throughout her career, she has been both inventive and keen to spread her ideas to a worldwide public via lectures at art colleges and exhibitions at the V & A Museum and the British Crafts Council and other museums in Germany, Sweden, Poland and Australia.

Her work in textiles and design for industry, made her a Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) by H.M. The Queen in the New Year’s Honours List 1991.

Literature: Diane Sheehan and Susan Tebby, 
 Ann Sutton, The Crafts Council, 2003.
Price : P.O.A.
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