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Propaganda Hangin

People's Republic of China, circa 1970.

Cotton embroidered with coloured wools, depicting Mao Zedong and Lin Biao brandishing the Little Red Book, with inscription: Chairman Mao reviewing the parade of the armies of the Cultural Revolution.

Height: 220 cm (86 5/8 in)   Width: 325 cm (138 5/8 in)
The Cultural Revolution was a socio-political movement that took place in the People's Republic of China from 1966 through 1976. Set into motion by Mao Zedong, then Chairman of the Communist Party of China, its stated goal was to enforce socialism in the country by removing capitalist, traditional and cultural elements from Chinese society and to impose Maoist orthodoxy within the Party. During the same period Mao's personality cult grew to immense proportions.

Mao dominates the Cultural Revolution and is presented almost as a god. The Little Red Book is his Bible; his portrait gives the people strength and his quotes are taken as scripture. A picture of the young Mao becomes a true icon of the revolution, he is seen standing with Lin Biao who wrote the introduction to the book. In the 1969 party charter Lin was designated the eventual successor to Mao, though later fled the country by plane, which crashed resulting in his death, after a failed coup against Mao.

These types of propaganda posters inspired and influenced Warhol's famous Pop Art portrait of Mao, which was created in 1973. More recently, the contemporary artist Wang Guangyi, known for being the leader of the New Art Movement circles that erupted out of China after 1989 and is considered amongst China's most successful new artists, combines propaganda posters and pop art in glowing Pop Art pastiche. The plain background colour creates and emphases the impact of the figures.
Price : P.O.A.
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